Monday, January 19, 2009

Returning to the scene...

Absolutely stunning sunset Sunday, the Space Needle packed with out-of-towners here for the holiday weekend. This view from the top is worth $16, right?

I had not been up in more than a week, thus blowing my goal of visiting the landmark every day in 2009. But life got in the way.

While I was up top with a friend on Jan. 8, I got a call from my husband, saying he had some bad news. I thought he was going to say he would be late for dinner, but instead he said the P-I was rumored to be going out of business. He works there, and I freelance for the newspaper, so this news -- confirmed the next day -- hit like a punch in the stomach. 

As we deal with the shock and grief of this sad situation, I couldn't help associate the bad news with the place I first heard it. But that's so unfair.

It took a few days and the rare appearance of the sun to pull me out of the funk and back up the elevator (which takes 41 seconds to go 520 feet to the Observation Deck). Drinking in the incredible city skyline, I couldn't help feeling: Everything's going to be all right.

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